Improve Your Page Title
Search sites look at your page titles for the words that users type in. Use descriptive key words that you want to be found with first in your title, and keep your title under 70 characters in length.

Based on your answers to your website questionnaire and the keyword generator, we recommend a title like:
Arts & Crafts supplies, lessons, & resources | Menlo Park, CA 94025

Also check out more improvements for your site.
Add more content
You only have 158 characters' worth of content on this page.

Write more descriptive content, in paragraph form (not a list of keywords).

We recommend at least 200 characters, and don't forget to use your keywords.

Also check out more improvements for your site.
Describe your images
A description of your image that is placed in an ALT tag helps search sites identify the images on your site and make you easier to find.

Simply describe your image in a few different ways so others searching for an image like yours can find it.

Also check out more improvements for your site.

Overall Grade: C

  • Setup A+
  • Onsite SEO C
  • Link building F
  • Social media F
  • Maintenance B